Our Services


Why Choose Us

The majority of the time, babysitting workers tend to be in middle school, high school or college (12-). There are some adults who have in-home childcare as well.

Benefits of

Childcare Services

Our service is simple, once you register with Happy Baby we select and introduce suitable babysitter/s for your family. You then are free to contact that babysitter as many times as required for further bookings.

  • Individual childcare advice
  • Peace of mind
  • Flexibility and choice
  • Support when you need it
  • Reclaim your social life
  • Five years of experience
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Babysitting Rates



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Our Manager Will Contact You

Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in volgiat nuaecat cupidatat non proidenn culpa qui.

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We Provide Best Nanny Service


Rad s odraslima i adolescentima 60 min 50 eura.

Obiteljski rad i rad s djecom 60 min 50 eura.


Broj mobitela i what's app: +385 97 623 0016

E pošta: rudniksrece@gmail.com

Gdje se nalazimo

Velika Gorica, Andrije Kačića Miošića 60

Prvi kat lijevo

2025 Sva prava pridržana. Pravila korištenja internetske stranice i politika privatnosti.